简介:In Truman Kewley's disturbing psycho-thriller debut, a sociopathic amateur film-maker kidnaps the woman he wants to play his fantasy girlfriend role.
简介:以《妖兽都市》、《兽兵卫忍风帖》 和《吸血鬼猎人D》闻名于世的日本动画导演川尻善昭的新作《Highlander The Search for Vengeance》在制作了近2年之后终于要和观众见面了,但与之前宣告的作为剧场放映的电影不同,这部80多分钟长的动画片将于6月5日直接在美国发行DVD,分为
简介:An adaptation of six short stories by the famous Japanese author Haruki Murakami transformed into a single narrative directed and written by French ar